Tankless Water Heater Service

Tankless Water Heater Service in New Albany


You rely on your water heater to cook, bathe, and clean. Though you don’t think about it much, you notice the second the hot water runs out which, for large families, is likely more often than you’d like. 这通常意味着最后一个洗澡的人除了冷水什么都没有. Fortunately, tankless water heaters—also referred to as on-demand water heaters—offer a solution. If you’re interested in making the switch, 或者只是需要有人来修理你现有的按需设备, give Paramount Heating & Air a call.

Dial 614.349.3332 获取在新奥尔巴尼或韦斯特维尔安装即热热水器的报价


对于新奥尔巴尼的许多家庭来说,传统的水箱就足够了. 它提供了足够的热水来度过一天. 但是,如果您符合以下任何一种情况,您可能会从安装即热式热水器中受益:

  • You Take a Lot of Cold Showers: 即热式热水器能够产生连续的热水,这意味着再也不用忍受冷水澡的不适和侮辱.
  • Space Concerns are an Issue: Are you running out of places to store things? Could you use a free corner? For those who live in cramped homes, 将坦克单位换成无坦克单位是收回失去空间的好方法.
  • Your Water Bills are Too High: 不过在新奥尔巴尼,按需热水器的前期成本更高, 他们很快就能通过效率节约收回投资. 因为它们只在你需要的时候加热水,所以这些系统几乎不存在浪费.

The Advantages of a Tankless Water Heater

The car replaced the carriage. Video killed the radio star. We 我认为无罐系统最终将取代传统系统. 使用按需热水器的优点很多,包括:

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: 因为它们按需工作,所以即热式热水器只在需要时使用燃料. This leads to less usage of both water and energy.
  • Longer Lifespans: When compared to your standard water heater, tankless ones last longer. 耐用性的提高使您可以在更长的时间内分散您的投资, offsetting the higher initial purchase price.
  • Smaller Footprints: Picture your typical water heater. There’s a bunch of pipes on top and bottom. 下面是一个装满热水的大金属水箱. At the bottom is a tray large enough to catch any leaks from the system. 与此同时,如果使用即热式热水器,只需要在墙上安装一个小加热装置.
  • No Flooding Risk: 想象一下,如果有什么东西刺破了你的热水器,或者把它从水管上断开. It’d be a disaster. 数百加仑的水会淹没你的家,导致霉菌和长期损害. A tankless unit eliminates flooding risks.


Even with all the advantages of tankless systems, 每个家庭没有出去买一个是有原因的. Not everyone lives the same. 一些家庭发现即热式热水的缺点大于优点, before jumping on the on-demand bandwagon, consider the following:

  • Unit Cost: 虽然从长远来看它们会为你省钱,但即热式热水器很贵. 对于中低收入家庭来说,这种价格差异可能会让他们无法升级设备. Do note, however, that Paramount Heating & Air provides a number of financing options 新奥尔巴尼和韦斯特维尔地区的客户.
  • Installation Price: 因为他们需要特殊的设置,安装一个按需热水器可能会很昂贵. The cost of converting depends on numerous factors 包括你家的面积和现有的供水系统.
  • Output Challenges: 如果你在安装前估计的用水量是错误的, you’ll still end up with cold water issues. 这就是为什么最好把即热式热水器的维修和安装留给我们的专业水管工. 我们在新奥尔巴尼服务多年,我们的管道专家证明了这一点.

我们在New Albany和Westerville提供即热式热水器服务

Tankless Water Heater Repair

Is your tankless hot water heater making noise? 不管你怎么设置水龙头,从水龙头里出来的水都是冰冷的吗? 这些都是你的按需热水器需要有执照的水管工服务的迹象. 如果你住在新奥尔巴尼或韦斯特维尔,就打电话 614.349.3332 to schedule tankless water heater service.

Tankless Water Heater Installation

对于那些认为按需热水器是未来发展方向的人,我们在这里为你服务. Our plumbers 已经安装这些设备多年了,知道正确的连接方法吗. 我们还会仔细检查所有的用水量计算,以确保您和您的家人有足够的水来度过一天.

Tankless Water Heater Maintenance

Like any mechanical device, 当专业人员定期检查时,即热式热水器的工作效果最好. During our annual check, our technicians take a look at all the plumbing, heating, and electrical parts of your unit. 如果问题被发现,它们将很快被修复. To learn more about our annual water heater maintenance programs, call 614.349.3332.


当您的按需热水器出现问题时,我们的 local plumbing company in New Albany can help. 有了我们,你永远不用担心会有垃圾落下或工作未完成. This is because we always put you first. For this same reason, 我们也确保我们的员工可以处理所有常见的即热式热水器品牌,包括Rinnai, Rheem, Noritz, and Navien. 我们也操作所有常见的燃料来源单位,包括电力, solar, and gas. 我们的服务区域很大,不仅包括新奥尔巴尼,也包括韦斯特维尔和都柏林.

我们邀请您通过电话或我们的网站与我们联系,了解为什么这么多人 your neighbors trust us with their tankless water heater repairs and installations.

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